Monday, February 2, 2015

100th Day Celebration!

So, we are 100 days smarter! That's what my calendar says anyway! We had a great time celebrating the 100th day of school last week! You can click on the pictures of the packs we used from various TpT stores and go directly to them!
First, the Littles entered through a curtain of fringe (aka cut butcher paper) and started journal writing with the prompt: I want 100 ____.  They had some interesting answers- candy, trains, cars, swim suits!!

Next the Littles practiced counting to 100 with our daily calendar routine.  You can find the SMARTboard calendar that we use at A Teacher's Touch. This calendar is designed by a teacher in my district and it is great for building skills throughout the year.  Make sure you check the video links, because you may need to link them to YouTube if you don't have the same videos downloaded.

We read a story... 100th Day Worries (you can find it and other suggestions in my Amazon Carousal in my sidebar over there on the right).  We then worked on our 100th day crowns! Did I mention we love anything we can wear on our heads? Those things, over the past year, may have included crowns, sentence strip hats, sight words, math cards, bag of books... let's just leave it at we LOVE things on our head. Here is where we got our lovely crowns from:

100th Day Hooray!!

After lunch, the Littles got a chance to practice tracing their numbers to 100.   After all of that practice they counted and colored 100 dots on the number 100 coloring sheet.  What is it with the Littles and their obsession love of coloring dots?!? Here is tracing numbers to 100:

100 Days Follower FREEBIE!!!

Next, I had the students look at pictures of old people senior citizens and we filled out the chart in the 100th day pack from Dragonflies In First .  I had already prepared their 100 year old pictures using the android app called Make Me Old. They wrote using the writing template in this pack:

When I'm 100 - 100th Day Writing Activity

Later we read another 100th day book (again, check the Amazon Carousal on the right) and set out to count our 100th day snack! We sorted each snack we found in our snack bag and counted them... and guess what?? There were 10 snacks with 10 of each one! WoW, that teacher 100th day snack fairy sure was smart! So, we practiced counting by 10's and packed up our snack to take home!

100th Day of School Sorting Mats

So, that's how we spent our 100th day of school! It was a great day and lots of fun! I hope you find these ideas and resources useful. If you choose to use some of these resources, please leave these wonderful teachers some feedback! 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Second Post...Ever!

So, this is like my second post...EVER! Aren't you excited? When I started this great blogging adventure a few weeks ago I had such high aspirations. I still have those high hopes (such high hopes... in my best sing song-y voice, of course!) but also realize that I have this hugely overwhelming slight obstacle called life that will occasionally get in the way! So, I decided to link up for this post because, well, why not? Sounds like fun to me!

So, here's the run down:
listening: to a fussy grandbaby! I have a new grandbaby who is 2 1/2 months old! (remember the comment above about the interference of life?) Fred (name changed to protect the innocent. Ha!) is the best little baby ever! Except today he is a tad fussy... But look at this face... who wouldn't love this face?
loving: that Grey's Anatomy is in the DVR. This brings me to a huge dilemma... watch Grey's or do Grey's or do homework...
thinking: about all the workstations I need to change in my classroom for the new month! With our new curriculums in Math AND Reading this year, my workstations don't exactly "fit" the themes of the month. We may or may not have worked on Leprechaun Place Value last month. My argument is that Littles don't care if there is a Leprechaun or Santa on a workstation as long as it is fun... right? Who's with me??

wanting: LUNCH! now I'm trying to figure out who I can bribe to bring me some satis-fries from Burger King!

needing: to do my homework. I am in school for my Master's in Early Childhood.  This semester is proving harder than I imagined.  I have so much homework! It is overwhelming and I need to get a handle on organizing my materials... right after I watch Grey's Anatomy and eat some satis-fries. Which brings us straight to...

pageant title: Princess Procrastinator. If you have read this far, you totally get this without any further explanation!

Well, that's it! I'm glad you stopped by and hope you will follow me as I am beginning this blogging adventure. I promise there is more to come!

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